插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

tw || Homophobia, transphobia and using religion as an excuse for things.

I thought I could trust you
then you fucking said it. the one thing that pisses me off the most.
"hey (deadname), how can you go by they/them??? your one person, you cant go by they/them. thats so weirddd"
and later you say "Oh iM cRiStAn bUt I sTiLl sUpPort lGbTq, I jUst CaNt Be iN iT bEcAuSe ItS a SiN." and then proceed to rant about how you dont agree with being lgbtq+. And you dont even bother use my correct pronouns or my name (JoJo). Its always she/her and my fucking deadname. if you hate they/them that much then just try and use xe/xim, honestly anythings better than she/her at this point. my god mya, i thought you were my friend.

((also this isnt about anybody on medibang its an irl "friend" so dont worry none of yall did anything wrong-))
