Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Ok so I'm thinking about writing\drawing
Storys. All are gay I'm planing on making covers first but here are some of them
Stereotypes: 1 instead of the queen b being mean and selfish that's how the nerd acts and she as more of the needs personality
2 basically same as 1 but with guys the football caption and geek

???: basically a story about the mean girl falling for her dumb sidekick I finding out she's gay

???:girl is going to be set up to marry and be a at home wife like every girl in her village till she as to go out to (either get something or spy haven't decided) and has a knight to go with her

Bonus: a comic resembling depression

Things are just at the top of my head I'm if these are good at all

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