插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

I'm screaming??
I feel so lost right now. I have artist block, I feel like I'm gonna cry, my insomnia hates me right now, and my best friend just keeps ignoring me. God damnit, why am I even ranting here? Idk, just needed to get it out somewhere. I just don't get stuff, it might be my tiredness speaking, but the world's dumb and we are forever doomed to inhabit it. Who came up with people? I don't believe in any gods, and nothing I research seems legit. Why are we sentient? Why can't we be like robots? What's it like seeing through other people's eyes? What if everything's different. Who came up with feelings? They hurt and are dumb. I'm sorry. I'm done here. Expect art coming your way after my existential crisis. 😖
