일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Thing I noticed
I just want to point out something I noticed regarding inactivity on this website. I’ll try to be brief
As myself and many more are experiencing less activity on this website I’m reminded of back when I was newer on the platform. I know myself and many others had more interactions and popularity back then, at least compared to now. However at the time I remember many other users, with accounts typically older than mine, stating how the platform had become inactive for them and they were leaving. Which confused me at the time because personally I hadn’t had troubles with it.
Now I’m starting to think that this may be a reoccurring issue for everyone, possibly not just the current state of the platform now.
I’m not sure why this happens, one theory of mine is that the older your account becomes the less people you follow/the less people follow you since you already are following many others/many others are following you. So you basically get stuck with a set amount of people and they eventually leave until the platform feels dead.
I could be stating already previously thought up things or I could be wrong so I’m going to try to test my theory out by posting on my alt account and my main account and I’ll tell you guys how it goes.
I’m not sure if I’ll have the time for this currently but it will be done.

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