일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

I love my family—
So I have a gay uncle and he’s like 20— (idk why u need to know this but whatever)
So I wanted a snacc and I went in the pantry and my mom was calling it a closet to be “funny”
*me already in there looking for snaccs*
Mom: Sean (gay uncle) go in the closet and come out to us
Me: *In my mind* did I just get busted o-O
Sean: Screw you 😂
Me: *Runs out with a big bag of chips and sits at the table*
Mom: Mikayla?!
Me: Wot? *Thinking she was going to ask if I was gay*
Mom: Why the whole bag?!
Me: iM hUnGrY

this made no god damn sense—

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