일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Just woke up-
*Wakes up and finds phone in between the couch* God dang (my brothers in the room so I didn’t swear xD)
*Grabs my phone and opens safari and safari opens Medibang*
Hmm let’s see how blown up my phone is this morning :’D
*Goes to messages first and presses Cass’ username*
*Reads the messages*
*Actual tears start falling from my face*
*Is fangirling too hard*

She melted my heart again ouo
So yeah, I’m still kinda crying bc it’s adorable and so is she ^3^
And this is actually what I did when I woke up ^^;
Also good morning! :D

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