插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

why not? :Y
1. Real Name: Avaleigh
2. Nickname: Av, Ava
3. Height: 5 ft. 2 inches
4. Gender: Female
5. Can you dance?: kinda
6. Can you sing?: yup!
7. Favorite Song?: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAXJqNeCf61iLSx98FKxf7hQ3egeRN2QU everything on this playlist.
8. Can you rap?: kinda
9. Hair Color: brown
10. Tall Or Short: IDK :Y
11. Sweats Or Jeans: ...Can I please just wear pajamas all day? ):Y
13. Health Freak: I kind of have to constantly watch my health. thanks diabetes.
14. Orange Or Apple: Apple
15. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: nah.
16. Guy Friends Or Girl Friends: ALL DA FRIENDS >:D
17. Piercings: None
18: Coke or Pepsi: diet dr. pepper. fite me.
19. Have You Been In A Airplane: Yes
20. Have You Been In A Relationship: not a real one :Y
21. Have You Been In A Car Accident: NO
22. Have You Been In A Fist Fight: If fighting with my brother counts, than yes.
23. First Piercing: N/A
24. Best Friend: No clue.
25. First Award: I don't get awards ;w;
26. First Crush: I cant remember
27. First Word: I dunno
28. Any Talent: singing, drawing, being annoying.
29. Last Person You Talked To: my dad
30. Last Person You Texted: my dad :Y
31. Last Person You Watched a Movie With: my dad and brother
32. Last Thing You Ate: chicken :3
33. Last Movie/TV Show You Watched: I dont remember X3
34. Last Song You Listened To: Yellow by Coldplay
35. Last Thing You Bought: No clue
36. Last Person You Hugged: my dad
37. Food: E V E R Y T H I N G
38. Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper
39. Bottoms: PAJAMAS.
40. Flower: dunno what it's called, but it's purple with white flecks and it kinda looks like a galaxy :3
41. Animal: Cats, wolves, foxes
42. Color: anything galaxy
43. Movie: The greatest showman
44. Subject: Art :3
Have You Ever (Put an X In The Brackets If Yes)
45. [X]Fallen In Love With Someone
46. [X ]Had Your Heart Broken -A LOT-
47. [X]Celebrated Halloween
48. [X]Went Over The Texts/Minutes In Your Phone
49. [ ]Had Someone Like You
50. [ ]Hated The Way Someone Changed
51. [ ]Got Pregnant
52. [ ] Had An Abortion
53. [X]Did Something You Regret
54. [X ]Broken A Promise
55. [X]Hid A Secret
56. [X]Pretend To Be Happy -literally all the time.-
57. [X]Met Someone Who Has Changed Your Life -all my friends on here! :D-
58. [ ]Pretended To Be Sick
59. [X ] Left The Country
60. [X] Tried Something You Normally Wouldn't Try And Liked It
61. [ ]Cried Over The Silliest Thing
62. [X] Ran A Mile
63. [ ]Gone To The Beach With Your Best Friend
64. [X ]Gotten Into A Argument With Your Friends
65. [X] Disliked Someone
66. [X] Stayed Single For Two Years Since The First Time You Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend Or Been Single Forever
67. Eating: Nothing
68. Drinking: nothing
69. Listening TViva la Vida by Coldplay
70. Sitting Or Laying: sitting
71. Plans For Today: Goretober: Try to stay alive. (yey I did it :3) try not to cut (…)
72. Waiting For: FOOD
73. Want Kids: I have no clue
74. Want To Get Married: still no clue
75. Want To Travel: yes!
~What Do You Look For In A Partner:~
76. Lips Or Eyes: I dont care
77. Shorter Or Taller: I dont care
78. Younger Or Older: I dont care
79. Romantic Or Spontaneous: Spontaneous
80. Trouble Maker Or Hesitant: troublemaker
81. Hook Up Or Relationship: Relationship
82. Looks Or Personality: both personality
-summary: I just want someone to love. I dont care about looks.-
~Have You Ever:~
83. Lost Glasses: No
84. Snuck Out Of The House: No
85. Held A Gun Or Knife In Self Defense: yis.
86. Killed Somebody: No, sometimes I want to murder my classmates though.
87. Broke Someones Heart: No, I've the one who's heart has been broken.
88. Been In Love: Yes
89. Cried When Someone Died: nope.
~Do You Believe In:~
90. Yourself: no.
91. Miracles: yeah
92. Love At First Sight: nope
93. Heaven: yeah
94. Santa Clause: nope
95. Aliens: kinda
96. Ghosts/Angels: yes
97. Is There One Person You Truly Want to be With Right Now: With my real friends... so basically, I just want to stay here with all of you.
98. Do You Know Who Your Real Friends Are: I... dont know.
99. Do You Believe In God: yes
