일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

story time - class of 2009 pt 4 of 4
the last one
there was this kid who brought a bag of weed to school, another kid wanted to buy it, and so he bought it for $20.
the kid who bought the weed was caught in the bathroom trying to smoke it or whatever and when his mom asked where he got it he said that him and his other friend were at cvs and his friend bought some weed from this dude and shared it with him. somehow the mom believes that huge lie.
anyways fast forward a few days later and the literature teacher (the one who told us this story) had found a way to figure out who did it.
she gave them a lecture and went over all the dumb things that had happened this year, and then ended the lecture by saying the only thing they haven't done is bring drugs on campus.
the room becomes silent. all the kids lowkey look at the kid who brought the bag of weed, but since teachers see everything this did not go unnoticed.
the kid who brought the weed was talked to the principals office, where he lied and said that he had just gotten some grass shavings and put them in a bag. obviously the principal knew he was lying and they found out all the details.
in the end the kid who brought the weed and the kid who bought the weed were both expelled.
i really love this story

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