Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Idk but...

I have the feeling that the gacha shit I was looking forward to is going to be canceled since the author/director (?) of it is so DISTRACTED with either her unofficial-official boyfriend or her playing LOL all the time.

Soo.... Ye. I just feel sad.

Since I wait for lots of hours for us to do work and there she goes, having fun.

But it's fine.


I just feel lonely, being ignored.

Kay. Just letting my shit out.

Stay happy, sis.

Idk how to do time management correctly because of school works. and stuff but...

On the other side, Reiya and I would be continuing my novel-- actually ours, cause I can't do shit by myself since I'm such a worthless piece of--- anywayyy~ We're doing the arts along side with the story.

Good luck to us.


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