일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

☆ goodnight <3 ☆
goodnight smol beans, im exhausted ;__;
I finished writing my science speech that's due tomorrow and my hand hurts from writing *sobs*
also, i meant to tell you guys this! i'm a month clean from self harm, and im proud tbh. life is a tough battle for me knowing some of the shit ive been going through so im glad i was able to stay clean from self harm. school issues, like people treating me poorly, has stopped too. im able to concentrate and make good grades in school now since my mind isnt always on suicide. i also wanna thank you guys for helping me through my battles, i love you all~! <3
(i'mgonnamakeanotherpostthankingyoupeepslatersincethisthankyouisshort. iwannaexplainhowyouvehelpedmeandbleh)

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