【ENG/日本語】表紙スケッチ-Cover Sketch
お久しぶりですー。漫画を描くのは大変ですねorz あと25-30ページ描けなければならなくて、残る時間は1ヶ月ぐらい。間に合いそうもないっていう気持ちです(´;ω;`)ウッ…でも頑張ります!
Long time no see. It's tough making manga, isn't it orz I need to draw about 25-30 pages and there is only around one month left. It feels like i won't make it TuT But i'll do my best!
Long time no see. It's tough making manga, isn't it orz I need to draw about 25-30 pages and there is only around one month left. It feels like i won't make it TuT But i'll do my best!