插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Medibang, Fix Yourself. Now.
I think I might know why some illustrations are deemed to be against medi's TOS when they aren't and those illustrations get taken down, along with the rare occasion an account is banned or "frozen" as I have heard it be called.

I think medi doesn't have people review the illustrations. I believe they use an AI. Not only that, because their filtering system is so bad the AI doesn't know when to take down artwork when not to. It commonly mistakes any drawing with some showing skin as explicit and takes it down. The AI is just as bad as their algorithm, level system, and rankings. Instead of using an AI only, have the AI flag the images for review of a real human being.

I also don't think there is a way to appeal your ban. Most services have a way to appeal your ban from their website/program, most likely through email. While to my knowledge medi does not. So you have to make a new account under a different email and start all over and pray somebody finds your account again through the garbage algorithm and knows it's you.

Not only that, medi does not have a proper protection system for your art. It can just be grabbed and traced, reposted, and/or stolen without proper protection. That is left up to you to find if somebody stole your art. DeviantArt has a protection system (yes it sucks but at least they have one) that notifies a user if their art might have been stolen. Toyhouse has a system that watermarks your work automatically so if your art is stolen it can obviously be recognized as stolen. Medi doesn't have anything like this, you're on your own. You and your fans are left to report the user that stole, traced, or reposted the work. The reports mostly don't do anything either because the AI doesn't care about them and medi’s workers never check flags or reports. This leaves you to hope the person sees what they did wrong and take down the art.

Medis algorithm is awful, it's worse than youtube's algorithm. With medi’s algorithm there is barely anything to go off of. They only request large artists, and they pick favorites. If you don't have a anime art style your basically fucked. The leveling up system isn't any better. You could have a drawing with 50 likes, 32 comments, and 48 favorites and still not get past level 3. There are also creator ranks and rookie ranks which place you on a ranking system with other artists. The rookie rank system is where it places you on a ranking system with any drawings you have made individually based off of how much interaction they get. The creator rank is 4 different ranks that can be earned. Bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, platinum being the highest and bronze being the lowest. Bronze is acquired by getting level 4, silver is acquired by getting level 5, you get the point. Platinum is the hardest one to get because only like 4 people get a level 7. The perks are getting no ads, and some other useless benefits. I think you see why its dumb. People have ad blockers you know?! The rank also expireds after a year so it's not even permanent and you have to work so hard again to get the rank back. There is one more rank and that's the daily trend ranking. These are basically rankings that update daily based on how much you're trending, but they only count art not topics even though that's still engagement. It's basically impossible to get high up on that unless you have an anime art style.

Lastly, its uploading system is god awful. If you look at DeviantArts and/or toyhouse’s uploading system you can see it has the required things. What gallery would you like to add this too? Do you want a specific watermark on this image? Does this have sensitive content, if so what is the sensitive content? You get the point. Medi has ONE option, and that is, Is this ok for all or is it mildly sexual, or full on R-18 work?! Nothing else, you can add tags or apply for a contest but that's it. Nothing to mark the images as sensitive content and put a spoiler, nope, just that.

In summary medi is most likely using a shitty AI to decide if they ban a person or not. Their levels, and rankings, and algorithms are incredibly broken, and they have no proper options for properly uploading artwork.

Thank you for reading, and if you didn't, I will be making a video so you can watch that when it comes out (if it does ;-;) if you wanna watch that instead. I understand, I like watching speedpaint commentaries, so I understant, plus reading is haaaaaard. ;-;
