and iiiiii-
will always love youuuuuu (all platonically)
really, thank you guys ≡(*′▽`)っ
i'm a little overwhelmed now oof ;w;
as a 75+ follower celebration, i'm gonna do a character q+a/interaction
so now, you can ask nim or tjerin what they like to do when they're not dying internally
or tell lulu that they definitely look like a burnt chicken nugget
but once again, thank youuuu (*´▽`*)
really, thank you guys ≡(*′▽`)っ
i'm a little overwhelmed now oof ;w;
as a 75+ follower celebration, i'm gonna do a character q+a/interaction
so now, you can ask nim or tjerin what they like to do when they're not dying internally
or tell lulu that they definitely look like a burnt chicken nugget
but once again, thank youuuu (*´▽`*)