Oof okay please read
I dont know how to put this but...I kinda cant stand christains...NOT ALL CHRISTAINS!! Just the overly annoying ones who hate people like me... when i hear people say that theyre christian i just cringe...am i a hypocrite or a bad person? Like, they treat us like shit for bekng who we are, like, WE were born like this YOU were TAUGHT into beleiving god, the bible is mistranskated anyway and everyone is going off of one tiny insegnificant line that wasnt even translated properly, aand the bible wasnt even written by god! Because, guess what, GOD DOESNT EXIST i dont care what people say i am just sick of all those people! If youre christian and support gay marraige then we can be frens but if you dont, then stay the fuck away from me you disrespectful pile of shit....