일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Summore art whorkk + a neat gift
I drew Smojie!!! Always believe in Steve!!!!!!
And also a friend of mine drew me while I was drawing Smoj XP so two birds with one stone I suppose
She did really well!!!! I wish I was that handsome IRL...

번역을 표시
  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR Jeff2kgamer ^_^ 5년전

    Fun fact: Shadow-Mites don’t have tear ducts. They cry by water retention being pushed up through their cheeks and drained out of their bottom eyelids.
    They also have an inability to smell, as they lack noses. Humans have 75% of smell in their taste, but Shadow-Mites “taste” odors entirely.