일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Amel Animator Amelia_animator22
메디방ID: Coco23

Amelia_animator22 CREATOR RANK CREATOR
New Name: Amelia

Your Heterosexual Christian Bean!

Collabs, Requests and Gifts are open for business!

Even though I like colors, no LGBTQIAA+++ and no swearing!!!!
New Update
I won't be posting art anymore. I have a lot of work to do in my life, so I'm taking a break and won't be back until it's done. It's a bit boring on here, and I have a life to be in, so goodbye everyone

번역을 표시

Amel Animator Amelia_animator22
메디방ID: Coco23

Amelia_animator22 CREATOR RANK CREATOR
New Name: Amelia

Your Heterosexual Christian Bean!

Collabs, Requests and Gifts are open for business!

Even though I like colors, no LGBTQIAA+++ and no swearing!!!!