MediBang ID: FunniNarudyne

I'm Naru, I do art. Surprising?
Nice seeing you here
I don't care how im referred to but if you really need to know just ask. 🐠
Kaito Supremacy !!!
DON'T repost or reuse my art. ENG| JP
Follow Leieryx, LeBananSenpai, and Kittsunya :>
Nice seeing you here
I don't care how im referred to but if you really need to know just ask. 🐠
Kaito Supremacy !!!
DON'T repost or reuse my art. ENG| JP
Follow Leieryx, LeBananSenpai, and Kittsunya :>
I must say having a tracker on your device and being easily paranoid dont go hand and hand very well.
I dont even be doing anything weird apart from taking in media with bad language but like what if they find me reading cute stories or playing a game aint anything bad but the thought of that is just embarrassing yknow? 🐡
I dont even be doing anything weird apart from taking in media with bad language but like what if they find me reading cute stories or playing a game aint anything bad but the thought of that is just embarrassing yknow? 🐡
MediBang ID: FunniNarudyne

I'm Naru, I do art. Surprising?
Nice seeing you here
I don't care how im referred to but if you really need to know just ask. 🐠
Kaito Supremacy !!!
DON'T repost or reuse my art. ENG| JP
Follow Leieryx, LeBananSenpai, and Kittsunya :>
Nice seeing you here
I don't care how im referred to but if you really need to know just ask. 🐠
Kaito Supremacy !!!
DON'T repost or reuse my art. ENG| JP
Follow Leieryx, LeBananSenpai, and Kittsunya :>
So they can monitor my activity. Im not the only one. I can understand if it was because of something specific but i think its just monitoring it and seeing if we doing anything gross or bad..also id be a little surprised if they thoight so cause i was always told i am very mature for my age