일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

An oc story
Luke stood before his bathroom mirror in his house in London. It was a modern apartment, everything was the best of the best.
He held the coping saw he had bought the day before and focused on the dark red horns protruding from his skull. He had always hated them. At least he could hide his tail and his wings.
He parted his jet hair and sighed. He placed the saw at the back of the horn.
‘It’s only Keratin, the same as your hair...’ he whispered. He pulled the saw across his horn and winced. ‘You’ve started, you have to finish.’ He told himself. He continued to pull and push the saw, wincing at the pain he hadn’t thought he would have to bear. After years of life, he had a high pain threshold.
It wasn’t long before he was holding his left horn in his hand. The left side of his head felt lighter than normal.
He sighed again and felt for the base of his other horn and proceeded to saw off the other one. Once he had finished he tousled his hair. He looked halfway normal, he thought. He had cut as close to his scalp as he could.
Luke smiled. He looked more like he wanted. He knew they would grow back, but for now, he was happy.

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