插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

I fell today in Tennis....kindaaaa badly...my friend lets call her Abbz well we were playing team doubles...okay?? Right?? Not gonna get hurt since we both r good at what we do ...however...when the ball went between us we kinda both swung for it or well she swung and I tried to volly it....She ended up knocking me down on the ground
With her racquet

So now my behind hurts more than ever thanks to conditioning and now this....plus I feel on my back so I hurt my back some ....Along with my right hand..so moral of the story:Rn Briller is hurting so yayy also HAHA THE OTHER TEAM,MY TEAM,OR THE COACHES DIDN'T CARE I FELL only my doubles partner cared and helped me up and over to the bench

Okay I'm done ranting
