イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

i just-
my teacher as screaming at mr over just not turning on my camera and screaming at me to saying "WhATs SO MuCh iMpOrtAnT thAn ScHoOL?" and i replied saying "i was helping my sisters?" and she said "BuT WhaT tYpe Of ThINGs WeRe U hElPInG tHem WIth?!" i replied " i was helping my sisters with something called cleaning?-" and then she talking on and on telling my that im a disgrace she wishes me to just leave this school so i dont make her seem like a bad teacher like - dude u were the one trying to ask me what im doing and whats keeping me so busy without school- like can i not help my sisters?
