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Grey zone Reiner
I've noticed it the first time in Game of Thrones, that yes has nothing to do with anime, but still hear me out. In Got there are so many grey characters that always confuse me for their actions and words. One does one thing, the other does another and you're left in confusion and can't really dislike them but nether condemn them because you know why they came to be like this. Hence Jaime and Theon. From a standing point of view you know deep down they are on the good side, but what I don't like it's the time he took them to realise that they needed to go to the good side. Same with one character in Attack on titants. Everybody knows that Reiner was brainwashed since he was a kid but the time it's taking to realise that all he has done (causing the death of the MC parents death) and still is doing is F UP and should go already to the good side even if it meant to die. For me he could still apologized to MC and form with him and the others a spedition outside the country to visit his land and explain the situation (I know it sound too simple. I know it)

Why is it taking him so much time to realise? Why the writers show us their background story and realisation of BS by the so called vilain/brainwashed character if in the end it takes them 300000000 years to change mind???

sasuke, jaime, Reiner, Chloe(Lis) (I wanted to had sakura but I guess there's no cure for groupies) all these people took a ridiculous amount of time to change their mind. and it took jaime the threat of his mad lover cersie to wake him up. I mean are you f*cking kidding me? she blew up the sept with all the civilians inside, why did it took so long that cersie was coocoo in the head???

I don't. these type of character annoy me the hell out of me, not because they're in the grey area, but because it takes them years and years to get out of it. That's why I would like for the writers/producers to not put these characters in movies/series/anime at all if it's going to take so long to get out of the grey area.

what do you think?

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