일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Kinda vent-ish
Ok so my two comfort characters are Error and Fell sans cuz #1 love the designs #2 easy to draw because I love easy drawings that have little details #3 I'm A sucker for the music and #4 I like the "I don't like you but secretly really want you as a friend" personality(sorry forgot what its called) whenever I tell people this they're all like"ooh you finally have a crush on someone" but honestly I don't know or not cuz I mean I never found abs attractive but then again I don't just look at the AUs and go "is this hot?" Like maybe I like them maybe I don't why is your business.anyways sorry for dumping this I don't mean to dull the mood...heh...

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