일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3
When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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