插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

So we were venting about how unfair younger siblings are. So its nice to get it out :). I would vent here but that would take sooooo longgg. It just feels nice to relate to someone about this topic without feeling like a brat. I know my parents cars for me but.. No favorite child? Just be honest. I know its my brother. Its always going to be him. No matter what. My dad always says "YOuR thE OLDeR sIBLiNG" or something like that. NO DAD JUST BECAUSE IM OLDER DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T MIND GETTING HIT AND INSULTED LIKE I KNOW YOU WHERE THE ELDEST BUT YOU WHERE NOT THE ONE THAT WAS A TOY its annoying how parents think the younger they are the better they are. Cause if I died or my brother died I would be happy. I am jealous of how he gets out of things he'd done to me just because he is younger. Its not fair. For an example my brother threw a plastic toy at my head and HIT my head. You know what my dad did? He punished me of course! VERY REASONABLE FOR ME GETTING HURT. He said "its your fault ugly nonfavorite child" (he didn't say that last part) but I did nothing at FRICKING all. YOU KNOW WHAT I DID??? I SAT ON THE FLOOR. THE FLOOR OF ME AND MY BROTHER'S FRICKING SHARED ROOM. YEAH ITS SOOO FAIR TO PUNISH THE VICTIM OF BULLYING. YEAHHHH ITS FAIR TO TAKE AWAY THEIR ELECTIONS TOO YEP SO FAIR. Like come man. I hate him. He is the reason people don't call me by my real name. YOU THEY CALL ME??? His sister. I know its not that bad but it pisses me off. Like come on I'm human too I have a name. You know my name. Just call me by my name. I I wish I could die when I get bullied by anybody. But getting bullied by my own brother for YEARSSS just sucks. I know it isn't as bad as it used to be. But is it ok to be kicked in your you know where, punched at the age of 6-7? NO IT IS NOT. HE DID THIS AT SUMMER CAMP. WHAT DID THE EMPLOYEES DO?? NOTHING. IM JUST ANOTHER TOY PEOPLE CAN USE FOR ENTERTAINMENT. IM NOT A HUMAN IM JUST A TOY WITH NO EMOTIONS. I STOPPED WEARING DRESSES CAUSE MY BROTHER AND OTHERS KEPT SAYING I WAS FAT. I STOPPED SMILING CAUSE PEOPLE CALLED ME UGLY. ESPECIALLY MY BROTHER. I GET BULLIED IN SCHOOL TOO WHAT A FRICKING SHOCKER AINT IT? Sorry for venting I just wanted to let it out. To be truly honest my parents are amazing but they need to learn that my brother is the same as me not better then me just because he is younger.
