插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

connection complications. (Fixed)
i wont be able to post or do anything for a while because of stupid connection problems. i always do my shit in my cellphone. everything. but now suddenly it lost connection. cannot connect to the wifi. huhuuhu.

"failed to obtain ip address" ./..
i change connection to static..
connected yay
but no internet connection. WTF NIGGUH

look for solutions. okay. ipconfig yea. okay wtf cannot load? shit
yea ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /renew okay. it doesnt do shit. ffs. ./.. (;-;)../.

HELP ME PLSSS. problem 1. i cannot connect to wifi (solved)
problem 2. connected to wifi, but not internet (not solved)
problem 3. cannot open router page(not solved)

shit help. Nvm nvm nvm
Fixed now.
