イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

I took a What Does My Soulmate Look Like Quiz because I was extremely bored and the image that popped up looks like the guy that I’m friends with from school 💀 EWWWWW- HE AIN’T EVEN MY TYPE BLECH PLUS I ALREADY HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE ELSE- but then again he has said somethings that I was like AYO!? 🤨📸

Me: leans over to see the answers from another kid because he was helping me
My hair: accidentally falls on my friends arm
Him: *speaks without thinking* bro why is your hair so soft?
My brain: ayo!? 🤨📸
Him: *moment of realization on what he said* ….. *shoves me to the side* BRO GET YOUR HAIR OFF ME!!

~A week later~

Me: moves my hair out from behind my ear because it was bugging me
Him: you look bett- *clears throat* you look like someone when you have your hair in front of your face like that
My brain: bro I caught that. You were about to say I look better with my hair in front of my face
