Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

ShadeSpot’s Story: 1
Shadekit trotted in circles around the nursery, his mother Cloudstream keeping a close eye on him. “Today I’ll be an apprentice!” He purred happily. His mother pulled him close, lapping at his fur to remove the dirt and plants on it. “Yes, and you must look your absolute best.” She mewed briskly. “Do you know who my mentor will be?” Shadekit pulled away again to turn and look at the light gray she-cat. She nodded, grabbing him again to clean his fur. “Can you tell me? I won’t tell anyone, I swear!” His desperate meow echoed in the den. “No, you’ll see, soon enough.” Shadekit let out a small hiss of annoyance and rolled his eyes. Then his ears perked up and he turned to look at his mother again. “Can I go sit outside and wait?” He rounded his eyes hopefully. “I’ll be good!” Cloudstream nodded, getting up to her paws. “I’ll go with you.” With that she flicked her tail and padded out, Shadekit following close behind. Once outside, Cloudstream sat and began to clean her own fluffy pelt with brisk strokes of her tongue, while Shadekit padded around in circles again, ready to start his apprenticeship. His tail lifted when he heard Pinestar’s yowl to gather the clan. Shadekit raced over, his mother close behind trying to fix his messy fur again. He skidded to a stop at the bottom of his leaders rock, staring up at her. She gave him a warm glance, then directed her attention to all the cats gathering around the rock. “Today I gather you for one of my favorite ceremonies. Today, Shadekit,” She flicked her tail down at him. “Is going to be made an apprentice.”
Cloudstream took a step back so the clan could pay attention. “Sparrowstrike, step forward.” The powerful gray and white tabby stepped forwards, his gaze directed at his leader. “Sparrowstrike, do you promise to teach this apprentice all you know and how to uphold the warrior code?” Pinestar mewed. “Yes, Pinestar.” Sparrowstrike’s meow was solemn and he dipped his head when he finished speaking. “Shadekit, from this day until you have earned your warrior name you will be known as Shadepaw.” Shadepaw stepped up to touch noses with his mentor happily. Once they had finished Pinestar dismissed the clan and layer down on the rock to watch the clan go about their day. Shadepaw looked up at Sparrowstrike. “When do we go hunting?” He mewed curiously. “Tomorrow morning I’ll wake you when it’s time to go out.” The large tom answered. Shadepaw nodded, not really satisfied but he didn’t get much of a choice, so he just turned to go to the apprentice den to make himself a nest for tonight. Once he’d finished the quite boring task, he padded out to go find some prey to eat before bed. He could see a Shadowclan warrior, Otterfur. She was sharing some prey with Frostclaw, a blue Siamese tom. Shadepaw went over and grabbed a mouse and walked over to sit beside his mother who was eating a thrush. He sat down, biting into his meal. He felt a paw prod his back and turned around. “Oh, hey Shadowpaw.” His friend had been made an apprentice a few days before him, coming back to tell him about patrols daily. The black tom flopped down beside him. He yawned and stretched his fore paws out, flexing his claws. “So, when are you gonna leave camp?” Shadowpaw’s mew was friendly. Shadepaw rolled his eyes. “Tomorrow. My mentor said it’s to late today.” He added when Shadowpaw gave him a surprised look. Shadowpaw nodded. “Hurry and eat. The faster we sleep, the sooner you can go out.”Shadowpaw gave him another prod. Shadepaw chewed his last bite of mouse quickly, getting to his paws. “Let’s go!” Shadowpaw sprung to his feet beside him. Shadepaw’s friend led the way, bounding across camp with Shadepaw on his tail. Shadowpaw halted quite suddenly, and Shadepaw slammed into him, both young cats rolling to the ground. Shadowpaw smacked at Shadepaw with sheathed claws. “Mouse-brain. Cmon, let’s go sleep.” Shadowpaw got up, shaking out his pelt. Shadepaw did the same, padding into the den. He flopped down into the nest he had chosen earlier, Shadowpaw stretching before laying down in his own nest. “G’night.” Shadepaw heard his friend’s sleepy mew. “Goodnight.” He laid his head down, drifting off. His dreams were pleasant, about things like hunting, playing, and battle training.

The first bit sucks, I know. I wrote it back when I first got the idea.
But, it does get better later on!! I swear lol
Hopefully you guys like it! <33

Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter, but these are my Ocs

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