插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

*(a)romantic confusion*
So I’m not expecting anyone to give me an answer but it would be really nice if you commented something even if you’re only a little bit sure that you’re right because I’m really tired of questioning my identity :’)

So I’ve been thinking that I might be somewhere on the aromantic spectrum because…
I don’t really feel any romantic attraction but sometimes I see someone aesthetically attractive or really nice and I feel something but only for a second and I’m not sure if it’s actually romantic????
So far I know that I’m Platoniromantic which means that I don’t know the difference between romantic and platonic attraction 🥲

I’m thinking that I might be… (ordered from most likely to least likely in my opinion)
Allo and a late bloomer
Aro and just feeling platonic attraction or something else
Demiromantic (highly unlikely)

Also I’m romance favorable and frequently have fantasies about cuddling and romance if that helps in any way

Pls help 🥲
