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Little Flower PT.2
But there came a day when I had to break those restrictions. A gruesome villain attack happened without warning, costing several hero’s their lives. The League of Villains and their leader Shigaraki wreaked havoc on a small town, following the instructions of All For One. A notorious Japanese criminal with a quirk similar to Reaper’s. They seemed unstoppable to most, except me. This time, I won’t let my friends get hurt because of my fear. The battle between us only lasted a couple minutes but the very earth trembled beneath us. Class 1-A had weakened Shigaraki enough, only taking a couple hits and a single blast from Inferno to end him. The League of Villains put up a fight but fell fast, their numbers dwindling rapidly. After that, the government of Japan decided All For One would never change for the better and put him to death. The court hearing was televised internationally, hoping to give closure to those who were deeply affected by his heinous acts.

Finally, the people of Japan rejoiced in their freedom, but when one evil dies another always crawls out of its grave. A dastardly reporter leaked my name and how I stopped the reign of All For One and his followers, giving Reaper exactly what he needed to find me. He traveled to the eastern country faster than I could’ve imagined. Upon his arrival, the military had given orders to immediately evacuate the city. So many emotions ran through me. Hatred, anger, fear, disgust, and determination all boiled over into one raging ball of fire. I was tired of his existence. A person like him shouldn’t be allowed the gift of life when he so easily takes it from others. I’m going to put an end to him no matter what, even if it means my life. There was no one else who could do it. I got into my battle stance as his body flickered into view.

“Well, well, isn’t someone a little braver now,” he taunted, clearly remembering my pain from when he stole my aunt away. It was just him and myself now, I didn’t have to worry about anyone else. Or so I thought.

“I suggest you watch your mouth. I think she’s sick of you,” a voice sneered from behind me.

“Anne?! What are you doing here!?”

“It’s not just me,” she said while pointing to my left. Not only did my class come to face Reaper by my side, but so did the students of 1-A.

“We’re not leaving you behind. Just like you never left us behind Iris,” Liam chimed in as he sauntered over to my side.

“Just shut up already!” Reaper screeched while lunging in Liam’s direction like a rabid dog.

Before Reaper could close the distance, I was there to stop him. With all my strength I kicked him in the middle of his chest, sending thousands of volts through his body. He flew backwards faster than I could process, my strength surprising me. As he soared through the air, gravity pulled him into the ground, leaving craters of asphalt in his wake. He staggered to his feet, not noticing Alex flapping her wings with awe inspiring might, ready to strike. Ivy quickly beckoned the roots of little weeds to multiply into heavy tree branches, concrete shattering as they enveloped Reapers’ limbs, holding him in place. Swiftly, Alex used one of her sharp feathers to slash open his shoulder, drawing out an animalistic roar from the villain. Seemingly satisfied with their assault, they reconvene with the group. With telepathic unison, the students land hit after hit, 40 unmanageable attacks lay an unceasing burden on Reaper’s body. But I was still his main target. Within seconds he disappeared into the ground only to reemerge right in front of me. His fist comes at me in slow motion, my brain rapidly searching for any solution out of this. As a fatal hit is about to strike me, Jack shouted from behind Reaper. “Jace Jackson!” He froze, veering back at Jack with wild eyes. “How do you know my name?!” Reaper screamed, as if the mere reminder of his true identity would send his mind spiraling.

Now was my chance. Without hesitation I activated Inferno, engulfing the age old foe in a blinding blaze of fire. If he claims to be a Reaper then he should go where they’re born. A minute passes before his anguish filled wails dissipate, leaving nothing but a charred statue vaguely resembling the kneeling form of a man. A gentle breeze ruffles my hair as the ashes slowly shape themselves into magnificent glowing butterflies. Each one representing the lives Reaper stole, dancing away in the wind to celebrate their newfound freedom. We won. I finally fulfilled my family’s legacy. Not only by myself, no, but with the help of my friends. I’ll forever be indebted to them. Without a second thought I raised my fist in the air as a sign of our victory. The rest followed in sullen silence for those who didn’t make it.


Life continued on at UA for another month before my class had to leave. Since Reaper was no longer a threat we had no reason to stay. Saying goodbye to class 1-A was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, unlikely friendships had flourished in my time there. Departing from the students broke my heart, but there’s no place like home. Wyndham High had been rebuilt and we were ordered back. Sadly our pity story wouldn’t work on the administration to let us stay. Not long after we got back to New York the time to graduate snuck up on us. After I quickly rose the ranks and became The United States number one Pro Hero. I guess you really can accomplish anything as long as you have someone by your side. I surely learned that.

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