Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Actual conversation I had with my irl friend:

Friend: *sees drawing of a heart on my arm* oh why do you have a heart on your arm? Do you love yourself?

Me: nah man, i just got kinda bored and drew a heart because it’s cute but like-

Friend: soooo- do you love yourself?

Me: *laughs* I mean, i don’t really know I like myself some days more than others but li-

Friend: you don’t love yourself?!

Me: well it’s not like-

Friend: *points out bracelet on my left hand* who gave this to you?

Me: uhh my friend who left the school but like-

Friend: you love your friend right?

Me: yeah but-

Friend: *points out rings* who gave you those?

Me: oh that was my mom-

Friend: you love your mom right??

Me: yeah of course I do but-

Friend: *points out bracelet on my right hand* who gave you this?

Me: uh my mom too but-

Friend: who gave you this necklace?

Me: oh uh- my mom too- why the questions-?

Friend: wait- who gave you the earrings?

Me: my uh- my grandma-

Friend: don’t you love your grandma?

Me: I do but like-

Friend: how come you have so many things from people you love, but you can’t love yourself?

Me: …

I honestly don’t know how to feel abt that man-

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