Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"

Sleepy Ishtar🍉
MediBang ID: senpapiishtar

Please don't use or repost my art or any artists' art in general. If you want to promote or repost an artwork, please ask the artist of the piece first before doing so and properly credit them when finally given permission.

IG : ishtardraws
Hey ya! I'm not dead-
So uh...I haven't been on Medi for who knows how long and uh I don't really have much of an excuse..? I've been busy with family stuff, studying a tiny bit, and hopping around apps..😅 (those who follow me on insta or know my twitter know what I've been up to 😅😭)

I didn't silently leave or quit Medi altogether or anything (please don't think that you guys I am really really REALLY sorry Bella, Pat, End-- POGOBRO IM SORRYYYY-). I've been working on my art style the time I haven't been on as well (to explain why there are no new submissions, again I am really sorry 😭😭-)

I miss you guys and HOLY COW- THANK YOU FOR 250+ FOLLOWERS!! Y'all are amazing thank you so much! I feel like crying and laughing at the same time I- I'll try to be more active 🥺💖 I hope you all have a good morning/noon/night ily and thank you for reading 😭💛💛 Senpapi Ish is back!! 😂💖

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Sleepy Ishtar🍉
MediBang ID: senpapiishtar

Please don't use or repost my art or any artists' art in general. If you want to promote or repost an artwork, please ask the artist of the piece first before doing so and properly credit them when finally given permission.

IG : ishtardraws