mom :(
I miss her so so much, god I wish you made the right choices. I was told that you were a horriable person, but you were so loving and kind. you only had me till I was 3 and then lost custody of me. I barley got to see you. but I did get to see you lots over the weekend. I wanna crawl up into a ball and sob my eyes out. I was told you had beaten my brother with a frying pan and shoe, I remember whenever I went over to your house I had no room and no clothes nothing but underwear on. I remember the night in the parking lot one night you broke up with your boyfriend after a huge fight you got into and I was scared for my life. I remember the time before our next visitation, I was going to talk to you about your drug use but it was to late, my parents didn't tell me till Friday (you passed away the Monday on September 11th) god I miss you so so much. I remember when you would Come over for visitation you would doze off into sleep because of drugs. I could get more personal with this so if you guys wanna know more about her and some of my personal life just send me a friend request and well talk...