일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Today I have to go to fucking church and I don’t want to. I DON’T BELIEVE IN YOU GOD YOU HEAR ME?!? IDFC ABOUT YOU!!!!! But I’m being forced to go, aNd i dOnT wAnT tO. But, I guess I get free food afterwards so that’s nice :D
I finished another character for my AU. I guess I can tell you a little bit. It’s a band called Forsha with x amount of members (don’t know how many yet). Basically they play music for the world, but the government wants to shut them down because their music is very like, dark and political and honest... idk it’s not that great of an AU, but I’m still trying to figure out ideas :P
So I was looking up stuff for Pokemon Quest aNd— lmao this happened. Honestly, Eevee is the best pokemon, and anyone that tells me otherwise just loves the legendary pokemon because they’re powerful. Eevee has so many different evolutions, it’s crazy.

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