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ShadeSpot’s story : 2
He was in the middle of sneaking up on a mouse when his surroundings grew blurry, and he was in the medicine den, sorting through herbs. “Shadepaw, wake up. We’re going out for your first patrol.” He lifted his head groggily, blinking his blurry eyes. He could see the huge form of Sparrowstrike in the den, standing over him. Shadepaw sat up, stretching.
That was such a strange dream! Why was I sorting herbs?
Shadepaw shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Shadowpaw was already out, probably with his mentor. Sparrowstrike patted him with his tail. “Cmon, let’s go.” Shadepaw rolled his eyes. “I’m coming!” He snapped, then realized he maybe shouldn’t do that, since Sparrowstrike could easily have him stay in camp. Sparrowstrike didn’t seem to care, just turning and leaving the den, flicking his tail for Shadepaw to follow. Shadepaw trotted after him, tail lifting happily. At least he wasn’t mad. They walked out of camp, Sparrowstrike waving his tail at the cat guarding camp, Fawnfluff. The reddish-brown she-cat acknowledged him with a nod. Sparrowstrike continued for a bit, halting when the came to a clearing. “Show me your hunters crouch.” He ordered, flicking his tail at Shadepaw. Immediately Shadepaw crouched down, flicking his tail to his side and turning his head to watch his mentor. Sparrowstrike walked around him in a circle, inspecting how his crouch looked. “Draw your hind legs underneath your belly, that way you have more power in your leap.” Shadepaw squeezed his hind legs closer together, and Sparrowstrike nodded. “That’s great. Now, time to test it on some real prey.” Shadepaw bounced back up onto his paws, eyes rounded in excitement. Sparrowstrike led the way, padding through the pine forest.
They walked for what felt like forever before they finally stopped.
Sparrowstrike turned to face Shadepaw, who blinked up at the silver tabby.
“Do you smell anything?” Shadepaw opened his muzzle to taste the air, nodding slowly. “Mouse?” He whispered, looking up as his mentor nodded. “Very good.”
Shadepaw began tracking the creature, listening when his mentor instructed him how to set his paws down quietly.
As Shadepaw crept forward he spotted the small animal, nibbling on a seed, completely unaware that he was there.


The gray tom padded towards it, leaping once he felt it had been long enough.
When he lifted his head, the creature hung from his jaws.
“Great job!” Sparrowstrike’s mew came from behind him, green eyes glowing with pride.
“That was nearly perfect, but I need to show you some things to improve on.”
Shadepaw bit back a groan of annoyance at Sparrowstrike’s words.

This one’s a bit better!! I started spacing out some things so it didn’t look so cramped.
I hope you guys like this part!! The next one gets… interesting.

Warriors does not belong to me! I only own the characters!!

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