일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Old art
I was scrolling thru all my artwork and look at this hideous monstrosity i found. Its a disgrace. If u find it cringey then pls......meh nevermind. Anyway i have a stowy for u all.
My crush 😐😓
When i was in public scholl and i was in the 4th grade i had a crush on this one girl. Lets call her chrissy. So me and chrissy was in the same class when ever i got around her i got nervous and i would just stare. I liked her because she was nice, friendly and funny. I can never seem to be any of my crushes friends first. We had to pair up into groups and when i say pair up i mean at least 4 people. Yeah i know what pair means. Pair is a fruit. Heh heh. And guess who was picked on her squad.... Maddison, monica and leslie. FRICKIN LESLIE. I hated leslie becuz he was the only guy in the group. Eye kept giving him the stare. Ya get it eye and stare? no? Fine then.He high fived her. Therefore he touched my senpy. I didnt even tell u who was in my group of course i was teamed with my best friend terri. Girls always get teamed with there best friend.anyway it was terri, jazmin and jerome. We all got along great, thank goodness. I noticed that he was talking to her to mouch and NO, no one cant talk to her. So we where done with the project and guess what we had to do, stand up on front of the class and present it. I have stage fright. Im confident but not that confident to stand up present something in front of a whole class. I mean who doesn't have stage fright. U? Wut? fine then just fine. So around lunch time and i was planning to ask her out and guess what she tells me. She told me that she and leslie was dating. I said hollup wu? She said yeah me and leslie are dating and plus i dont like girls. Now i kinda felt slightly affended becuz im bisexual which means i like both put i would prefer girls more. Now that i understand !ore youre saying that you dont like bisexual girls. But its cool i dont even care anymore
Bisexuals rule

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