Hi my friends!! Im sorry ive been gone for soooo long, school started and had my tablet taken away (I have it back now so no worries) and just a bunch of stuff came up. I hope yall can forgive me for being gone so long but, Ill be posting art when I can, idk if ive emproved or not so... Enjoy haha *Btw, I dont particularly draw backgrounds, I find some that fit what Im drawing, I know cheep im sorry TwT but, I dont want to like take the bg and be like, "Yee I did it all" that no right, if I did that in previous art than I apologize. But anyways Ill try to post more art and im in the mits of learning Dutch from duolingo soo, that might be time consuming haha. But hope yall have a wonderful day or night! (sorry the a long paragraph haha)