イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

About today
Its still March 22nd where I am, so i should do this while I can
**Originally, i was planning on posting my finished traditional drawing for today, put unfortunately medibang is being stupid and keeps flipping my picture horizontally and the picture has pretty cruddy lighting so i might as well post it tomorrow :/ **
So it's been five years since My Chem has broken up. Recently i found out that i was on a fun field trip on the actual break up date lol.
And ive been listening to every song they did ever today (im almost done, currently on s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w) while i was working on the drawing i mentioned earlier. Honestly, even though i barely started listening to mcr last summer, I've been getting pretty emotional about the breakup anniversary today. I miss them, but i honestly believe that it was the best thing for them to end the band. Especially because of how they're truly happy and healthy right now. And if Gerard, Mikey, Frank, and Ray are happy, then I'm happy. :)
(Weirdly enough,they played that song by Taylor Swift that goes "WeeEE ArE nEVer EvEr EveR gETtiNg bAcK toGEthEr" at school today)
MCR is my second favorite band, and although they're not around as a band anymore, they continue to inspire me every day. Their songs make me feel better and they're there for me if i need them, whether it be because i'm in a good mood or a not so good mood. The fact that they saved so many lives and still continue to do so just shows how amazing they are. And this whole post is really messy sorry im not too good at explaining my feelings well
"Art is the weapon. Your imagination is the ammunition. Stay dirty, and stay dangerous. Create and destroy as you see fit."
- My Chemical Romance
