插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Oh my god
My little sister is literally being so damn stupid it isn’t even funny. So my dad doesn’t like us on the phone when he’s home. So me & my sister made a deal. She got it in the morning because he’s at work for 4 hours. Then I got it in the afternoon because he’s at work for 4 hours. So it’s even. There’s both 4 hours. In the deal you’re not allowed to take the other persons time if you missed out on yours. If you slept in and woke up late and only got 3 hours that’s your problem. There’s no one else to blame but you. So that’s why you’re not allowed to take the other persons time. We were cleaning this morning so she was only on the phone for about 30 minutes. But she was doing dishes. While doing dishes she was watching a movie on her iPad. She was still doing stuff on the electronics. I wasn’t. I was still cleaning after lunch then took a shower. I don’t even get my full time. But she was on the phone using my time which isn’t fair. Then she got mad because I took it since it’s my time and was like “no more deals.” But brat is just being petty and a hypocrite. The other day she told me the same thing because she sleeps in really late and doesn’t use her full time which is her problem. So when she got on in the morning I told her I wanted the phone since she didn’t like the deal. She said “no! I gave your deal some thought and I agree to it.” I knew she was lying so I called her out on it and she insisted that she was telling the truth. This was just yesterday and now she’s changed her mined that she doesn’t like the deal. She just wants the phone to herself all day. We only have one so that’s why we made the time share. She better get that stick out of her butt real quick and shut up because she’s literally just being stupid now.

Anyway thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
