Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

random ass vent

I hate myself. I hate when ppl play favorites, it’s not fair. Especially for me bc no one ever favorites me, no one. Favorites fucking suck. I wish I could be the favorite for once.
I wish I was likable.
I wish I was nvr used once.
I wish I wasn’t gullible.
I wish I had real friends.
I wish ppl were nice to me.
I wish ppl didn’t lie to me.
I wish I wasn’t a disappointment.
I wish I was talented.
I wish I had healthy relationships.
I wish I had a healthy family.
I wish I was skinny.
I wish for everything I don’t hve.
I hate everything abt myself.
I hate having siblings.
I hate having my siblings literally bully me everyday. I hate it sm. Wht do my siblings hve tht I don’t. Y does everyone like jerks like them more than me. I always put myself before others, I always think abt how others feel, I always try to make sure others are happy and ok. But they don’t, they don’t ever do tht.
Y am I getting bullied?
Y am I getting hate?
Y am I the least favorite?
Y am I so fucking stupid??
Y am I such a fucking attention seeker??
I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate myself

I fucking hate myself.

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