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Behind the scenes
This is part of the process of creating the drawing. Everything shown here is separate layers. Layer in the b/w version, specially for Kafuku-San.
This is part of the process of creating the drawing. Everything shown here is separate layers.
Layer in the b/w version, specially for Kafuku-San.번역을 표시
> idk Ooooh. Hello. Yes, you're right, long time no see. You probably work as a sailor. ))) Periodically, you disappear for a long time, probably you go on a voyage on a ship.)))
> Maheem Nawal Everything around is Yin and Yang; black and white, cold and hot, up and down, day and night, etc. By the way, the Yin and Yang symbol itself has a much deeper meaning than it seems at first glance.
> Andrey Thank you for your insightful comment, Sir Andrey!. I appreciate your detailed thoughts and the depth you bring to the discussion.
The paraphrased prayer from “The Dark Tower” is truly profound. It beautifully emphasizes the importance of sincerity and passion in our creative endeavors. Your reference to “Yin and Yang” is far from trite; it reminds us of the essential balance and harmony in all aspects of life and creativity.
Then everything is clear.