Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Daina's Weird Day
It was a Saturday afternoon, Daina was laying under a tree with her friends, Knuckles and Amy Rose. She was looking at the clouds in the sky, hoping to see something interesting because she was bored and had nothing to do. Her eyes started getting heavier and started to nod off to sleep. When she woke up, she found herself in her room with the TV on. In her hand was a remote. The TV was in static so she used the up arrow to see if it would work. She quickly turned into a Jessica Rabbit Hedgehog with a red dress on. "Huh? What!? I don't like this!" She said in shock. She used the back arrow and she changed to normal. "Well that wasn't appropriate!" Said Daina standing up and going to see her crush Prelatti the Blood Hedgehog. When she walked out, She was in the sky. "AHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME I HATE HIGHTS!!!" Daina screamed. She ran inside to call her friend Amy. She screamed into the phone for help. "Daina chill out! Stop making such a big deal out of it! I'm trying to sleep!" Yelled Amy. Amy hung up the phone and went to bed. Daina was all confused and she fell onto the floor and fell asleep. When she woke up, she found herself under the tree laying down and noticed Amy with an angry face staring her. "Daina! You made me miss Sonic doing his battle with Dr.Eggman!" She yelled. "I did?" Daina asked. 56 minutes later she went to the Crimson Forest to see Prelatti, her true love. She saw him in his club and ran to give him a hug and say she loves him. When she ran to hug him, he pushed her away. "What do you want now? Can you see I'm busy?!" He yelled at her. Daina stood up and had a happy face on and told him "Oh, Darling, I came to say I love you and-" "Shut Up!" Prelatti interrupted. Prelatti walked away from Daina with his club. Daina shrugged and said "I love you too" and then happily skipped to her house to make cookies.

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