イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

New species!!
Evolf: under ground creatures able to make gold and other ores with their spit( ok I know thats weird).
Colors: earthy tones.
Example: sky blue, grass green, rock grey, sand yellow etc.
Size: around the size of a pony.
Temperament: easily startled, timid, shy, but can work with people and other creatures.
Reproduce: 1 to 5 firts( kinda like eggs) every 20 years.
Life span: over 400 + years.
Evolves to have a gender until they are 50 years old.
Hierarchy: females are most dominant but they are uncommon , males are most common but can't take the throne.
Babies: a young Evolf will be called a firt until age 50.
Naming: Evolves take a name from their Queen then the family they are born to will give them a end / last name or first name.
Example: Queen gives a firt the name Sapling family can name them Cotton Sapling.
Queen: Queen Rootmia ( r- oo- t - a - m- i - a)
Prince: Dark Root
Exiled Princess: Leaf Root: exiled princess for murdering all but one of her siblings ( Dark Root).

Open species!!
Please ask if you're going to make one tho
