Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

ok do you ever have a dream that has a lot of running in it, and when you wake up your exhausted?

Example I just woke up from having a dream where I was trying to assassinate 2 princesses and a queen, and I successfully assassinated 1 princess and the queen, but the second princess had 2 body guards, one a big guy who was like 6’7 and a small lady, they kept taking turns chasing me around the castle trying to steal the poison that I was holding while I was trying to inject the poison into the princess, the princess fought back whenever I got near her, and her body guards were close behind me in the chase, I ended up running down and up many flights of stairs.

I did get caught, and when I woke up I felt like I had ran a marathon (I still do)

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