插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

So now I’m unsure...
My sister just had her farewell for her mission today, and I won’t see her again for two years...
And probably longer...
Because I’ll be out of here by July or so since I turn 18 on the 20th of July...
and I’m being made to go...
It won’t be too bad I guess, two years away from my crazy parents.
But I don’t know if after that I’ll ever see my sister or little brother again...
(Not the drunk youngest brother, the older better one that’s actually cool. The one with Proxxon.)
Then I’ll have to be an adult... and actually have to do things...
Guys, what if I never see you again? What if these are the last few months I’ll ever talk to you again? I haven’t even been on here much at all, and it’s already getting closer to the day I have to leave it all behind...
I don’t want to be an adult! I just want to live a happy innocent life
But I can’t
I’m stuck living one I hate... and can’t control...
I wish I had a different family...
I’m a senior in high school, but I don’t feel like it...
I feel small and vulnerable and trapped...
