MediBang ID: anxiousbean

Aight I’m currently on a break of sorts, I’ll pop in occasionally but I make no promises
Check out the ppl i follow cuz they all pretty neat, y e p
Check out the ppl i follow cuz they all pretty neat, y e p
You ever hear your parents talking and you think it’s about you and your like “oh crap what did I do” so then you become a huge ball of anxiety and can’t breathe and are going through everything you own and every account ever in case they someone found them???? Yeah me too :’)
MediBang ID: anxiousbean

Aight I’m currently on a break of sorts, I’ll pop in occasionally but I make no promises
Check out the ppl i follow cuz they all pretty neat, y e p
Check out the ppl i follow cuz they all pretty neat, y e p