uhnnggg why are people like this???
Me: Dang man I have ADHD
Random person: YoUr jUsT fAkInG fOr AtTeNTiOn!!11! YoU jUsT wAnT tO bE "sPeCiAl"!11! yOu DoNt KnOw tHe ReAl sTrUgGlE oF hAvInG aDhD!!11!
Wh- Why do people assume things like this??
Also, why have I been called ableist, transphobic, homophobic, racist, and everything else in the book of terrible things just because I was "mean" aka giving actual evidence when arguing with someone?? It just makes these actually serious topics just seem like a "get out of free jail card" when someone did something bad :/ WHY?!?
Random person: YoUr jUsT fAkInG fOr AtTeNTiOn!!11! YoU jUsT wAnT tO bE "sPeCiAl"!11! yOu DoNt KnOw tHe ReAl sTrUgGlE oF hAvInG aDhD!!11!
Wh- Why do people assume things like this??
Also, why have I been called ableist, transphobic, homophobic, racist, and everything else in the book of terrible things just because I was "mean" aka giving actual evidence when arguing with someone?? It just makes these actually serious topics just seem like a "get out of free jail card" when someone did something bad :/ WHY?!?