For TinyCY
I finished it. I hope you like it.
As always the case, please MediBang don't mess up the gif.
, I spent alot of time on it and it is already bad enough that I had to shrink it down so much and the quality had to take a huge hit.
For the full HD version go to https://www.deviantart.com/titaniumpegasus/art/TinyCY-s-Squidy-761398963?ga_submit_new=10%3A1535397842
As always the case, please MediBang don't mess up the gif.
, I spent alot of time on it and it is already bad enough that I had to shrink it down so much and the quality had to take a huge hit.
For the full HD version go to https://www.deviantart.com/titaniumpegasus/art/TinyCY-s-Squidy-761398963?ga_submit_new=10%3A1535397842