일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Medibang is a toxic ass place and I want to fucking leave. I’m only staying because this is my only connection with Kayla. If I had her number or something, I would’ve lefr a long fucking time ago.
ArtsiePie is a toxic ass bitch, and she needs to shut the fuck up. Just because she did her fucking part in a collab doesn’t mean she needs to fucking go off on someone for doing the same thing. I think I see the problem and it’s that ArtsiePie had drawn her’s in the second slot, then Unknown did it in the second slot too. Hey ArtsiePie! Ever thought of the fact that people work SLOWER than you? Yeah! Maybe Unknown took a screenshot of it before you posted yours, started working on theirs, and then posted it after you. You have NO FUCKING RIGHT to go off on her. So shut your toxic ass up, and get your fucking facts straight.
The people that follow Nightfur are all toxic. Scrolling through Nightfur’s account was horrible. It was like one rude comment after the other. Nothing against Nightfur and their art, but everything against almost all of their followers.
The anonymous button NEEDS to go away. What the fuck is the point of having it? That’s like a one way ticket towards drama and havoc. GET FUCKING RID OF IT MEDIBANG JFC
No good artists ever get on the popular page. Maybe once or twice I’ve seen some legitimate great art. The rest is fucking hentai and yaoi or however the fuck you spell it. ITS DISGUSTING OKAY!!! That’s what 4chan and Reddit is for! MB is a place for ART, not for some horny ass’s wet dreams and thoughts drawn out onto paper. It’s gross and I don’t want to see boobs, pussies, dicks or anyone having sex on my popular page. Just put actually good artists on the popular page Medi, easy as that. Then nobody would be harping on your ass.
$80 is way to fucking much for a hoodie. Yes, I’m still mad about this. I know Sean and Mark worked on it for almost an entire year, but $80 FUCKING DOLLARS?!? That’s enough money to buy a whole new outfit! And I’m sure it’s quality material, but every hoodie that says it’s quality material shrinks in the wash after the first time, and loses it’s color/print the next. I get that it’s a brand, and that it’s not merch. But I just think $80 is a little pricey for a hoodie.

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