What should I make fanart of?
So what should I make fanart of? I feel like making fanart and my tablet's almost charged. I was thinking of doing fanart for Arcane because I love Arcane but idk if that's something you guys would want to see (I'll probably do it anyway.) I also want to remake Gumi and my Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop fanart because I feel like it could be better. You guys tell me. Or if you want me to finish all the Doors introductions first, I'll do that too. I still have to do Sal. And Dante and Cheryl are at Level 1 now. Yay! But you guys tell me. And if you'd like, request something! Now imma go eat because I'm super hungry-
Also! Have you guys seen the first two installments of Constance? You should give it a look! It's still in development, I'm just working on Doors right now.
Also! Have you guys seen the first two installments of Constance? You should give it a look! It's still in development, I'm just working on Doors right now.