일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Hobbies & Professional
Hobbies: That do it for fun, doesn't take serious for money or client satisfaction. It for sharing throught around the world, for happiness. Does not matter for gaining popularity. Sometimes follow the trend, sometimes don't. It will depend what they want.

Professional: Do it for money, teaching or for fame. They make commissions or they share criticism to any small or bigger artists as they ask. They do have to follow trends or risk it to make original as they like. They do have one type category they do for they audience. They can't to a mix for the audience. They constantly have being active on one or many social media/Art websites. They do update each week or day to let audience keep up seeing they content creation. If anything goes off they let audience know on written update or use project as showing their emotions to the audience and write in the desc. It may be difficult for them to take of one day or week of break.

But there is a type for them.

Reasoning update, like health issue, family, love one, pet or any kind of stuff, they will let you know that they won't be active.

Hiatus, for my understanding, is a vacation for artist.

That all what I can say. <:3
If anything I did wrong, pls let me know cause I'm no experts for that sorry.

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